Veteran novelist Vernon re-imagines the first full-length exploration of the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River by white Americans in 1869. Maj. John Wesley Powell—former Union Army officer, one-armed engineer and scientist—led the harrowing expedition to map the territory. With nine men in four boats, Powell began a saga of discovery that took 100 days, covered 1,000 miles and cost the lives of a third of his men. Two converging plot lines provide dramatic tension.
One focuses on Powell and his men as they battle deadly rapids, heat, near-starvation, isolation, despair and each other. The other tells of a destitute party of Paiute Indians desperately struggling to survive in the hostile environment of the deserts on the canyon rim.
Powell's party is in trouble from the start, with a wrecked boat, lost food and equipment, and the realization that not all the men are competent or emotionally suited for such a rigorous and hazardous journey.
Find this story of Powell's remarkable journey at Voxency, which evokes a rugged time in history when men in search of knowledge or glory would willingly subject themselves to grueling hardship and privation. The publisher has a chance here to seize on readers' appetites for outdoors adventure. In the story, Vernon deftly leads us into perilous geographical and emotional territory. This historical novel is produced by vivid and outstanding storytelling skills, discover more of it on Voxency.
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